ICT & Computing in Education

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Working with schools during lockdown

Idea! by Terry Freedman

What can you do to help schools during lockdown? A lot of edtech businesses provide resources, and some provide lesson plans. Unfortunately, the resources on their own can become just one more free resource, and the lesson plans are often useless. (As Daisy Christodoulou points it in her book Teachers vs Tech?, lesson plans from companies tend to focus on learning the skills to use the software itself rather than the skills the software is designed to teach.) 

Perhaps as part of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities you are used to sending someone into schools to work with them through activities like giving a talk, or running a problem-solving day. Although visiting schools is unlikely to be possible in the foreseeable future (even if schools were to reopen completely), you can still help them out. Here are 7 ways you might do so.

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Working with schools during lockdown: 7 activities that work