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Bett Radio 2017, with Russell Prue

Russell Prue at Bett 2017

Thirty plus years and counting! One of the highlights of the Bett Show is Bett Radio, hosted and run by the incredible Russell Prue, a true professional. 

What do I mean by that? Well, when I make a podcast, it's full of buzzes, hisses and 'erms' and 'ahs'. In fact, I once had this conversation with a friend:

Friend: I really like your podcasts, Terry?

Me (head starting to swell): Really? Why?

Friend: Because they're so amateurish that I feel even I could do it!

Russell's broadcasts? Flawless to a tee.

Even more importantly that that, is the quality of the guests he has on the show. One of the best parts of Bett is meeting other people, as I said in Thoughts on Bett 2017. Unfortunately, it's not possible to meet everybody, so it's very useful to be able to listen to Russell's interviews with a host of ed tech 'names'.

For example, on the Thursday he interviewed me, about my recent book, Steve Wheeler about his experiments in ambient lighting, Joanne from Edugeek, about the kinds of problems people get in touch with. Oh, and me. Did I mention that he interviewed me? 

Seriously though, I'm really enjoying catching up with the bits of Bett I missed, thanks to Russell. It's like having Bett all over again, but without the exhaustion and high prices!

Here's the link to all four Bett 2017 podcasts: Bett 2017 Radio. Go on: do yourself a favour and listen.