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What I've been reading: Thinking Machines

I have to say that although I find the idea of artificial intelligence fascinating, writings on the subject are often immensely dull. So, although I acquired Thinking Machines by Luke Dormehl some time ago, I have only just started reading it.

I wish I'd started earlier.

It's a really engaging exploration into the development of AI and the problems it has had to grapple with. I'm not far enough into the book yet to be able to provide a definite opinion, but so far it's looking good.

Chapters look at how our concept of AI has changed, AI and jobs, AI and creativity and several other topics.

From what I've seen so far, this would make a very good addition to your education technology library if you have one.

I'll be publishing a fuller review in the Digital Education newsletter in due course, alomg with reviews of other books I've been reading. Look out for that, and do sign up if you haven't already done so. It's free, and you'll receive a 'cheat sheet' on 70 types of blog content.