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Digital Education Prize Draw

The prize to be won in a random draw in the next issue of the Digital Education ezine is The Truth About Teaching: An Evidence-Informed Guide for New Teachers, by Greg Ashman (Amazon affiliate link). I reviewed the book for Teach Secondary, but I hope to write a longer review in the ezine. But in a nutshell:

An evidence-informed but nevertheless pragmatic approach to teaching. I liked it because it says, “Here’s what the research says, so what does it mean for what you do in the classroom?” One of my bugbears is that if I go to a talk where the subject is some research the speaker has carried out, or their vision for education at some mythical time in the future, what I actually want to know is: How does help with class 3B on Friday afternoon?

There’s also a 25% discount on another book, plus loads of links to tide you over the holidays!

I hope to get the new issue out in the next day or so. If you don’t want to miss out, find out more, and sign up, here: Digital Education. You won’t be spammed, and you can unsubscribe at any time.