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Bett 2017 Bulletin #2

Click the pic to be taken to book's Amazon page for your country!

The Bett Show is the UK's biggest ed tech conference/exhibition. It's gradually changed its nature and has become more of a STEAM event, ie Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.

Bett 2017 takes place from 25th January to 28th January, so I've started to post a series of short bulletins bringing certain aspects to people's attention. In the first Bulletin I highlighted a discussion taking place with @angelamaiers, @crispinweston and others.

It's a Bett tradition that special show prices are offered on many products, so I thought I'd use this Bulletin to announce that I've done the same with my book, Education Conferences: Teachers' Guide to Getting the Most out of Education Conferences.

It was selling for $2.99 (or equivalent) or £2.99 in the UK. The new price, for the duration of the Bett Show, is $0.99 or £0.99.

The book is a guide to getting as much benefit as possible from education conferences in general, not just Bett. So even if you're not planning on attending Bett, it might still be a worthwhile investment if you'll be going to a different conference at some point.

At the time of writing this, the book has received 15 five star reviews, which apparently is pretty good. (These are on the UK Amazon page.)

If this amazing bargain appeals to you, just click on the cover of the book, and you'll be taken to your country's Amazon page. If you'r not sure, then do that anyway in order to read the book's description and the reviews.