Web 2.0 Project: Chris Leach's work

Here is a thumbnail sketch of some interesting work that Chris Leach is doing with Web 2.0. It is taken from the forthcoming second edition of the free Web 2.0 projects Book which was published last year -- over 11,000 copies downloaded! The book itself will contain even more information, so look out for that early in 2010! 

First name: Chris

Surname: Leach

Title of Project: Gunpowder Plot

Application Type: Social networking

Age range: 9-11 years

Brief description of Project

 Creating a twitter account for Robert catesby, leader of the Gunpowder Plot. Children researched the events after Fawkes's capture and then scheduled tweets using Hootsuite. He gained over 60 followers.

URL of project: http://www.twitter.com/LCS_RCatesby

Are you doing interesting work with Web 2.0 applications in your school or college? If so, why not contribute to a new ebook containing ideas that other teachers can pick up and use? Further information is right here:
