ICT & Computing in Education

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Upcoming events

Conference, by Terry Freedman

The following events may be of interest to teachers.

Computing in England's schools

That's the title of a forthcoming conference from the folks at the Westminster Forum. It takes place online and in person, and the agenda is here (pdf): Agenda.

The booking form is here: Booking form.

The AI Summit

This is a conference in London on the 15th and 16th June. I haven't seen anything on the agenda that relates directly to education, but I thought I'd pass the information along anyway:

AI Summit

Writing the Oulipo: A Taster

If, like me, you enjoy writing for the sake of it, and maybe even enjoy a secret life as a short story or novel writer, this might interest you. Does your writing need a boost of inspiration? How about counter-intuitively imposing constraints on yourself? Learn about the ideas of the French Oulipo movement and see what happens when you experiment with interesting -and challenging - limitations!

I've written about this approach here: Oulipo Writing Prompts. In that article I suggested three prompts, each of which contained a constraint, and gave an example of writing for each one.

If you're thinking of booking a place on this course, please do so soon! have a feeling it might be cancelled because it needs one or two more people on it to make it viable. (That's not a reflection on me or the course, by the way. Apparently, quite a few courses have had to be cancelled because of low numbers due to Covid (still), and sunny weather and our new-found freedom from lockdowns). Here's the link:

Writing the Oulipo

This article originally appeared in Digital Education, my free newsletter. To subscribe to Digital Education, click here: Subscribe.