ICT & Computing in Education

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Also on the web: 05/09/2010 (p.m.)

  • Very interesting page, brought to my attention by Catherine Andy. The subject matter is interesting in itself, and if you like it you might wish to vote for it: it has been shortlisted in the Japan Webpage Contest run by the Japan Foundation. This is the link: www.japanwebpagecontest.org.uk/vote What interests me in particular, though, is the use of the different applications to present the information, such as Tagxedo (which I reviewed in Computers in Classrooms) and stickies provided by Crazy Profile (which I hadn'd heard of before). Well worth exploring, and don't forget to vote for it!

    tags: Taigo, Japanese, web resources, Gartree School, ICT in schools

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.