Think IT


What do you think will be the main ed tech challenges in 2018? 

The forced move to cloud licensing by Microsoft and the DfE from July 2018. Although Microsoft and DfE announced the changes in 2016, very few schools have heard the message or are ready for the change. If they don't move their Microsoft licenses to the cloud they will end up paying more, which at a time of squeezed budgets could be a real problem. Schools and MATS need to plan ahead if they want to avoid getting caught out.  If they don't, they will have to pay more, or be in breach of licensing laws which could see them being fined and costing even more. The move to Microsoft cloud licensing is easy if planned and executed correctly in good time. But the licensing changes themselves are complex and schools should get expert advice to make sure they get it right first time. Think IT is supporting Microsoft in getting the message across to schools, and will be on the Microsoft stand E300 at BETT offering expert advice on how to make the move. Think IT, plan it, do it. 

Neil Watkins, Manging Director, Think IT.

Stand: B216,E300