Digital Education update

Last week I sent out an absolutely huge edition of the Digital Education ezine – see Digital Education Ezine April 2015 – and then waited for the number of subscribers to go up and down. And what happened? Absolutely nothing. My immediate response was to feel a bit despondent. After all, as Oscar Wilde put it, there is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. A brilliant response to my mailing and announcement on Twitter would have been a major upsurge in the number of subscribers. An alternative brilliant response, though less welcome, would have been a major downsurge (I assume such a word exists?) as people unsubscribe in protest to my stance on issues like having girls-only Computing lessons.

As it turns out, the explanation is prosaic, and somewhat frustrating. Yesterday I received this message from Your Mailing List Provider, the company that I use for sending out the ezine:

For reasons yet unknown to us, our '' domain suddenly was flagged as inactive at our DNS registrar Friday night.

While we're trying to reach the right person to get this fixed, we've made some changes on our end so you can use to access our site and use our application.

When I looked on the Newsletter page of the ICT in Education website, I discovered that the sign-up form had disappeared, as had the archive. Unfortunately, using the temporary URL provided by the company still doesn't allow people to subscribe as far as I can tell.

The archive is available though, here: Digital Education archive.

I'll update the information once normal service has been resumed.